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Teaching Experience

I have extensive experience in teaching introductory to advanced quantitative method courses, both at undergraduate and graduate level. My teaching experience also includes introductory and intermediate levels of World Politics and formal model courses. This page presents a selected set of courses I have taught. For the full list of my teaching experience, please see my CV

PS699, Statistical Methods in Political Research II
with Professor Kevin Quinn (Winter 2021, 2022)

This course is the second course of the quantitative sequence for political science graduate students. The course focuses on introducing general concepts that underlie statistical inference. The materials covered in this course include, but are not limited to, descriptive analysis of data, bivariate and multivariate regression, hypothesis testing, and causal inference.


PS598, Mathematics for Political Scientists
with Professor Iain Osgood (Fall 2021, 2022)

This course is a graduate level course that provides an introduction to a set of mathematical concepts and skills commonly used in formal and empirical methods in political science. The materials covered in this course include, but are not limited to, multivariate calculus, linear algebra, sets and functions, unconstrained and constrained optimization.


PS798, Advanced Topics in Quantitative Methodology
with Professor Yuki Shiraito (Winter 2019, 2020)

This course is an advanced graduate level quantitative course dedicated to special topics. The course in Winter 2019 and 2020 covered key theoretical concepts and techniques of Bayesian statistics. The materials covered include, but are not limited to, various MCMC sampling methods, Bayesian hierarchical models, and Bayesian ideal point models.


PS300, Quantitative Empirical Methods of Political Science
with Professor Robert Franzese (Fall 2018)

This course is an undergraduate level quantitative course designed to provide an introduction of quantitative reasoning and statistical techniques along with basic programming skills in R and Stata. The materials covered in this course include, but are not limited to, mean and median, partial derivatives, data visualization with R, and linear regression.


PS369, Politics of International Economic Relations 
with Professor Iain Osgood (Fall 2020)
with Dr. Ishan Joshi (Fall 2017)

This course is an undergraduate level course on the topics of international political economy. The materials covered in this course include, but are not limited to, Bretton Woods system, foreign direct investment, immigration, and economic development.

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